Curating the best advice for busy people with big ideas

Curating the best advice for busy people with big ideas
We are here to help you LOVE what you do
We help busy people with big ideas unleash their potential into the world; by helping them take their personal and professional development to the next level through our range of courses, workshops and events.
Everyone has something extraordinary to share. We get our kicks out of helping you discover exactly what it is that makes you unique. We are passionate about providing you with the education, support and community to help you find your voice, your stage and your audience.

Bring your brand to LIFE
For us, spark is a feeling – it’s when you feel energised, inspired and in the zone. We are here to inspire you to bring more meaning to your day to day by helping you energise your ideas, keeping you engaged and aligned with your goals. We want you to find your Spark and develop the confidence and skills you need to overcome any challenges that stand between you, and your life best lived.

Why we exist
We all go through ch-ch-ch-changes and they aren’t always easy – we know, we’ve been there before. We have year’s worth of experience developing successful people and big brands. We started Spark to support individuals like you, on a journey of transformation. Whether you’re on a journey to bring more purpose and satisfaction to your life and career, you’re thinking of, or have already started your own business and your tired of doing it alone, or you’re a freelancer looking to develop key skills – join Spark and take your development to the next level.

Tired of falling off the New Year’s resolution bandwagon? Create healthy habits instead!
Christmas has come and gone and as we shake off our holiday indulgence, we shift our thinking towards the new year. As the clock strikes midnight, it’s tradition we make resolutions to become better people, living better lives than we had in years gone by. We are...

Who are you serving? Strike A Chord with Those Who Matter
How do you create a connection between your ideas and what’s meaningful to your audience? To understand your audience, you must first understand how connection works. Emotional connection that is. Brene Brown puts it beautifully: “I define connection as the...

Finding Your Confidence After a Setback
When we take risks, we’re vulnerable to unforeseen and sudden circumstances that can jolt our self-confidence in a big way. We all want every venture to work out exactly as we planned the first time. In reality, creating and trying something new involves trial and...