ABOUT Lauren -
entrepreneur – music lover – traveller
However, it wasn’t all sunshine and lollipops – we all want to throw in the towel sometimes. Staying aligned with your vision and true to your values means experimenting, trying, failing and trying again. Which is why I was driven to help others, who were also on this journey.
Making your own way as a freelancer, business owner or entrepreneur is undoubtedly hard. Positioning your business, selling your services, and developing professionally when you are ‘on your own’ has its challenges. It’s not simply a matter of working hard – it involves consistent strategizing, self-motivation and sacrifice. From getting clear on what it is you actually want, to getting comfortable with ‘putting yourself out there’. In the early days I watched friends climb corporate ladders and others who had a laser-like focus on what they wanted from their corporate careers, while at times I felt isolated, insecure and unsure of my direction.
Which is why I founded Spark, to support people like you are working on a ‘path less travelled’, who are driven to make a positive contribution to the world through what you do.
We don’t have all of the answers, no one does! But we work out hardest to curate the most relevant tools and education for time-poor creatives to sharpen their skills and bring turn their ideas into a reality.
Life is too damn short to waste time doing things that don’t light you up. So, what are you waiting for!
Get in touch for a free consultation.
We get our kicks from helping others find and develop their SPARK – life is too damn short to waste time doing things that don’t light you up. So, what are you waiting for!
Lauren Earle